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     My Hundred Years - Isabel Crook
Add Time :2016-07-03      Hits:2325







She was born ahundred years ago to Canadian missionaries in Southwestern China Throughout her longlife, China is the place she has called home.

As an avowedcommunist, and as an anthropologist and teacher, she has devoted herself toChina’s socialist cause. 

She is Isabel Crook.

7月3号本周日上午十点半,本片将在CCTV-New《我的中国故事》(My China)栏目首播英文原版,7月4号上午十点一刻,中文国际频道CCTV-4将播出其中文版。

Watch her China story at 10:30am this Sunday on CCTV-News(English original version) and at 10:15am on CCTV-4 (Chinese version).

From:  http://cctv.cntv.cn/lm/mychina/

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